This must be one of the questions every website owner has regarding their website. Today we are here to find the right answer to it. Before we get into answering it, let’s look at what redesigning your website actually means.
Redesigning means re-constructing your website to perform along with the dynamic nature of society. If your sales or conversion is low then you should sit down with experts and evaluate your website functions.
Now let’s move on to the actual question, “How often should you redesign your website?”. The most general and honest answer to this question is that you should redesign your website every 2 to 3 years. But if your website is not responsive and does not deliver the results you were expecting it to deliver then you MUST get it redesigned right now, so as to reduce the unwanted expenses in the long run. Plus an outdated website has a lot of hidden costs. Click here to read about the hidden cost of outdated websites.